Get valuable feedback on your business plan from a business expert
Discuss your business plan or business idea with an independent professional and spar with a business expert for an hour about your business plan.
What do you get?
- Get a fast review of your business idea with a seasoned business professional
- you’ll get a fresh perspective on your business from an outsider
- an independent review
- find out if you are doing it properly with the help of an expert
- find helpful pointers
- spar on your ideas
- review your financials
- Independent and professional review
- Professionalize your business plan
- Fresh view on your business
- this will save you time
- this helps you professionalize your business approach
- Fast and quick opinion on your business plan
- Spar with a professional (professional view) on your business
- See where to improve further
How does it work?
- Book a session (here)
- Sign an NDA for confidentiality (optional)
- Send us your business plan by email a day before the session so we can review it (or upload it here)
- Let us review it
- Book a online review session
- Get the feedback
- Implement the feedback in your plan
Reviews from other business owners
“Fast, professional and with quality. New business insights on my business approach. I will definitely recommend them. I am considering booking more hours like this.’
– John Smith, Business Owner, Johsons Inc.
Our business consultant James will guide you on your business plan.
Bio: Business consultant. LinkedIn Profile. Expert on Retail. Asia Region.
Book here for 1 hour session.
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