Writing a professional businessplan for your business

Do you need help in writing your business plan?

Get help when writing your business plan. We’ll write it together with you. We know writing a business plan is time consuming, however writing the plan will really sharpen your thinking about your business approach, and increase your business success chance.

This struggle of writing it, finding the time to write it (evenings, weekends), and mapping your ideas is the real value of creating the businessplan. You need to think on the most important aspects of the business in advance. Taking a long hard look on your business idea and financials delivers real value later on. Of course you’ll need a bit of reviews along the way as your business thinking improves and become more learned about the business.

Get feedback on your existing business plan

If you do already have a business plan and want get feedback on your existing business plan, just contact us here. We can review your existing businessplan professionally as well.

How does it work?

We’ll guide you through the process and we use our own proven business templates to get you up and running.  We’ll write it in Business English.

  • 3 sessions (intake / first interview, first version – edits, final version)
  • Expect to reserve 5-10 hours of your time (by having online interviews, review of versions and interactions) in 2-3 weeks
  • First down payment on approval is 50% 250$, then on full delivery 50% 250$,
  • Use of Business Templates
  • Creating the Financial overview

What is my value?

  • Get it on paper and save time
  • Enhance it with a professional approach
  • Higher quality and professional business plan
  • Avoiding pitfalls and

We can write the business plan for you. Get a price quote here.


What do you get?

  • A 30 page written professional digital business plan describing your business (idea) based on interviews and your input.
  • Financial business case of your business

Writing a professional business plan with you

We help you write a professional business plan in roughly 4 weeks/sessions.

This improves your business thinking, enables stronger feedback and sound setup of your business plan. It also saves a bit of your time, and reserves your precious time for writing a plan.

Best to consider this programme only when you really want a professionalized business plan. Peer review is also possible to further enhance quality.

[start now]

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The Programme


First Session

  • Getting acquainted / introduction
  • Interview Zoom sessions – your business situation
  • Writing a Summary
  • Filling parts of the details according to this template
  • Discuss planning
  • Average Q&A
  • Setting up tech stack together / network drive

Second Session

  • Setup Financial Excel business case (this template)
  • Calculation of your business situation
  • Check currencies / margins on product offer
  • Feedback on first review

Third Session

  • Customer Insights, more indepth questions on your customers, what they want /need
  • Review & update (1 time)
  • First concept Delivery of plan

Fourth Session

  • Second review of business plan


  • Delivery of Plan in digital files


Extra Services (improve quality)

+ Review by peers/other entrepreneur (+USD 89)

+ Review & Financial Signoff by financial specialist / accountant (+USD 129)


These professionals (9 ranked / quality / prices / specialist) – contact them directly

1 John Smit   – David Caradine (UK) –  Mbezi Ufuzu (NI) – Sheng Zi (TW) –  Jamal Jahindra (IN)


Europe (Berlin / UK)

North America (Canada / Houston)

South America (Panama)

Africa (Kenya)

India (Delhi)

Asia (Singapore)


Business Expert Industry Specialists

Retail / Car / Restaurant / Hairdresser / IT Saas /  Agriculture / International / Exporting / Online

Average Investment

  • 600-850$ (USD) based on choices
  • Average 4 weeks cycle, can be faster, but prefer a bit of time to think about your business ideas
  • Quality plan & checked by accountant for financial soundness (easier to apply for business loan)
  • Payment in 2 tranches, first on approval on programme 50%, then after delivery of plan 50%
  • Personalized on website login (documents)


[start / order now]


Average customer reactions

4,5******: customer comments: easy to enroll programma that really helped professionalize my business idea.




  • We plan upon prior agreement these sessions in a weekly cycle. These are fixed and in your timezone.
  • NDA – your documents are strictly confidential, or if you agree, we reserve the right to publish the result witn anonymazion of your business credentials.
  • Customer satisfaction guarantee:  If you are not satisfied in 30 days, you’ll get a 100% refund.


[Write a financial business plan]

Do you only need a financial plan [ write only a financial plan for getting a bank loan ] ? click here.

Get a quote for a financial plan for getting the bank loan or investment

We need multiple sessions and your input on prices/ options. Have a rough view of your income/cost streams.


Money back guarantee

if you are not satisfied we guarantee, we’ll refund the money.


★★★★★ – ‘Strong business acumen, great service, helpful agents, couldn’t do it myself, I now feel more confident on my business plan’.  – John Smith, Owner, 32, WER company, wer.nl

★★★★ – ‘Helpful professionals, expert advice, smart setup, fast feedback,  I now feel more confident on my business plan’.  – Kevin Mbuto, Co-Founder, 28, WER company, wer.nl


Just contact us if you are in need to get a written business plan.

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Writing Businessplan Together

Get valuable feedback on your business plan from a business expert.


  • * Professionalize your business plan
  • * Fast and quick opinion on your business plan
  • * Spar with a professional on your business
  • * See where to improve further


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